21 Days of Yoga: April 11-May 1.
Kick-off event: Sunday April 10, 4pmET. Live Akashic Readings with Erin Gallagher. |
Wild Ember's 21 Day Yoga Reboot
No yoga experience required. (For REAL!) - Unlimited access to Live Virtual WE classes and our On Demand Library for 21 days. - Daily emails, with videos and words of encouragement and inspiration. One part of Yoga is movement (Asana). Yoga is also intentional breathing, meditation, and the study of yoga philosophy. So ANY yoga you do during the 21 days “counts”! Do I have to take a class every day? NOPE! Do as little as or as much as you want to do during the 21 days. Show up when/how you can. What “counts” for doing my daily yoga? 🏆Taking a live virtual class. 🏆doing ANY yoga asana (movement) at all, even 5 minutes! 🏆meditation 🏆 intentional breathing 🏆 studying about yoga philosophy (reading, listening to a podcast) 🏆 Taking an on demand pre-recorded class. 🏆 Self guided practice of any kind. We’ll be on Wild Ember’s Community FB group, keeping each other motivated! See you there, and see you in class. Let's do this! |
Taken yoga before but always felt awkward asking questions? Join us, and ask away! |